Announcing – Following Jesus This Easter!

Easter is a time when the global Church celebrates the pivotal event of our faith – the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. And beating in the heart of every Christian throughout history, during this same season, has been a desire to experience the transforming power that raised Jesus from the grave (Rom. 8:11). What is transformation? And how do we actually change from who we are into “the likeness of Christ?”
Announcing – The Greatness Of The Gospel!

These are challenging times for everyone. Is God caught off-guard, or is He needing some help providing an answer to today’s struggle for the human soul?
How Is Our Soul? – A New Year Journal Experience

How Is Our Soul? is a very special New Year digital resource, designed to engage and empower a conversation in your locale related to how you are doing – as a community – coming out of this year and moving toward the next.
I Am Changed – A 2021 Lent Resource

The Scriptures recount for us stories of real change in peoples’ lives – the kind of change that endures and changes generations to come. Lent is a season for remembering how change happens, and how the cross of Jesus is God’s invitation to lay down our selves to experience the goodness and presence of God.
Following Jesus – A 2021 Easter Resource

The Gospel of John contains many powerful stories of conversion, of miracles, and of transformation. A life, made in the image of God, yet broken beyond human repair, comes into contact with Jesus. Then, wow. In a moment of transformation, that then opens up to a lifetime of becoming like Christ, a heart is changed and is open to the Holy Spirit.
4 Ways To Stay Thankful This Season

It’s not easy to remain thankful when hard times come, and everyone around us finds it easier to complain. For a Christian, being thankful is central to who we are as a People of Hope – people who relentlessly remember that God is always for us, always with us, and always giving gifts no matter the season.
NEW! The Gift Of Risk | The Radical Yes Of Christmas

What if you, and everyone in your congregation, began to hear God’s voice, and to act on His promptings, with a fresh hunger to see God move?
NEW! Faith Is Spelled R-I-S-K | A Motto For Kingdom Life

What if you, and everyone in your congregation, began to hear God’s voice, and to act on His promptings, with a fresh hunger to see God move?
ADVENT PLANNER – The Gift Of Risk | The Radical Yes Of Christmas

In times like these, seasons like Advent – a time to wait for Jesus, and Christmas – a time to celebrate Jesus, are as important as ever!
COVID RESOURCE – Hard Conversations – In A Time Of Challenge

HARD CONVERSATIONS – In A Time Of Challenge When the world is challenged by a global pandemic, even the best of relationships can be put under strain. Social distancing, politicized newscasts, and video calls replacing face-to-face conversations can add a strain to daily life that has implications for how we talk about hard things. To […]
COVID RESOURCE – 30 Daily Risk Challenges In A Season Of Social Distancing

30 Daily Risk Challenges In A Season Of Social Distancing As we continue the “YEAR OF RISK” theme, here’s a reminder of our motto: “FAITH IS SPELLED R-I-S-K”. When our team picked this theme, we couldn’t have imagined the literal risks the world would face in 2020. Global pandemic was not on the docket, yet […]
COVID RESOURCE – Opportunities In The Interruptions: How To Serve Young Adults During COVID

Opportunities In The Interruptions: How to Serve Young Adults During COVID (Vineyard Pilgrimage) There is something significant that God shapes in us during times of interruption and uncertainty. As someone who has worked with youth and young adults for over two decades, I believe there is a unique opportunity available to the church right now […]
COVID RESOURCE – 5 Ideas For Overcoming Anxiety During The COVID-19 Pandemic

5 Ideas For Overcoming Anxiety During The COVID-19 Pandemic As man-made constructs begin to crumble around us, it’s easy to get caught up in fearful thinking that spreads faster than any virus. We can find ourselves stressing out about issues and details that we truly have no control over. Yet most of the things we […]
COVID RESOURCE – 10 Verses For Beating Fear During The COVID Crisis

10 Verses For Beating Fearing During the COVID Crisis Keeping focused on what God’s Word says about our circumstances is particularly important right now in order to maintain a Christ-like perspective on our world. Here are a few verses that can help us do that, some of which you might want to write down on […]
COVID RESOURCE – How To Pray During A World Health Crisis

How to Pray During a World Health Crisis When a crisis hits, most Christians hit their knees. Seeking God when we experience turmoil in our lives is a natural response for those who follow Jesus. And in many cases, figuring out how to pray is reflexive. We lose a job; we pray for a new […]
COVID RESOURCE – How To Study and Use The 5 Step Prayer Model During The Covid Crisis

How To Study and Use The 5 Step Prayer Model During The Covid Crisis One of the most important distinctives of the Vineyard movement is captured in a simple, four-word phrase: “Everyone gets to play.” Coined by our founder John Wimber, and based on his understanding of the New Testament call to equip all the […]
COVID RESOURCE – Encouraging Kids – Coloring Pages!

Encouraging Kids – Coloring Pages! During our “stay at home” season, families, caregivers, children’s ministry leaders are on the lookout for meaningful activities for THE KIDS! So… we put together a set of coloring pages for kids of all ages complete with messages of encouragement for the world! Kids can color and post in their […]
COVID RESOURCE – Five Day Family Devotional – Generosity

Five Day Family Devotional – Generosity The idea behind Five Day Family Devotionals is to maximize dinner time and other family moments during the 5 day work and school week. Many families have consistent rhythms during the school week that differ from weekend time. Five Day Family Devotionals were created to integrate with your family’s […]
Gospel With The Poor – A 30 Day Generosity Challenge

30 Day Generosity Challenge By Vineyard Digital As we approach the holiday time of year, we want to set the tone for a season of giving. Our pre-holiday campaign, Gospel With The Poor (which lasts approx. 30 days), is specially designed to compel, inspire, and activate us all to Kingdom generosity. The 30 Day Generosity […]
4 Great Reasons To Do Back To Church Sunday

4 Great Reasons To Do “Back To Church” Sunday By Vineyard Digital Membership Many churches aim their efforts, every September, at a special Sunday called “Back To Church Sunday.” Kids are back in school, university programs are starting up, and the vacation patterns that have taken such a toll on your summer offerings are quieting […]