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Vineyard Digital flows from the heart of the Vineyard Movement, a community of churches with a sacred trust from the Lord.
The Vineyard Movement emerged on the scene in the late 1970s, at what has been called a “crossroads” of American Christianity and culture. John Wimber’s influence profoundly shaped the theology and practice of Vineyard churches, from their earliest days until his death in November 1997.
About John Wimber & The Vineyard Movement
Wimber was a talented musician and producer who played many instruments at studio quality. Before he came to faith in Christ, he was making his full-time living in music. Among other accomplishments, Wimber was involved in the founding and producing of the Righteous Brothers, and was at the top of his career. A profound conversion experience, documented in his testimony, I’m A Fool For Christ, led him to step away from his music career to pursue his relationship with Jesus.
Wimber became convinced of God’s healing power and spent months encouraging his church to pray for the sick. They prayed for hundreds of people who never got healed. Eventually, God began to use John and other members of the Anaheim Vineyard to supernaturally heal many people. John would travel around the world teaching and demonstrating God’s healing power.
Today, there are 2500+ Vineyards around the world in 95 countries – and we’re growing.
Our Sacred Trust
Central to Wimber’s life and ministry, and to the Vineyard Movement, is that idea that “everyone gets to play” in the Kingdom of God.
Wimber, and we as a Movement, are passionate about equipping people for ministry (Eph. 4:12 – “…To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ”). John’s most well-known book is called Power Healing, and it contains the simple message that God wants to use ordinary people to touch the lives of others who are sick or in need.
That call, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, in the power of the Holy Spirit, forms the impetus behind a sacred trust we believe we have been given by the Lord.
Our “sacred trust,” as it was written by theologian and pastor Don Williams, is as follows:
“…God has given the Vineyard a sacred trust: a solid biblical theology of the Kingdom (living in the eschatological tension), reliance on the power and gifts of the Spirit for ministry in the context of church planting and building for mission, and the call to warfare against all the powers of darkness. …The Vineyard’s gift to the larger church will be its stewardship of the Kingdom of God message and ministry of Jesus in the power of the Spirit for today.”
For us, Vineyard Digital is a part of sharing what God has taught us as a Movement. We pray that you are encouraged by these resources, born of our sacred trust, as you faithfully live out the words and works of Jesus in your daily life.
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You can learn more about the Vineyard Movement and our family of churches here.