Who Is The Holy Spirit? – Small Group Study

Who Is The Holy Spirit? – Small Group Study is a group study on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.

Who Is The Holy Spirit? – Small Group Study is for groups, and focuses on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. When you think of the Holy Spirit, which Scripture passages immediately come to mind? The Spirit hovering over the surface of the waters at the beginning of Creation (Gen. 1:2)? The Spirit descending on Jesus like a dove at His baptism (Matt. 3:16)? The Spirit coming like a rushing wind in the upper room to empower the disciples (Acts 2:1)? Because God is a self-revealing God, we can start to get to know Him by looking closely at the Scriptures to see what He does. What someone does tells us a lot about their character.

Available to Small Groups as a printable study with helpful questions for personal growth.

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  1. VDM Who Is The Holy Spirit (PDF)


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