The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit – Church Study

The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit – Church Study is for Pastors, and is a study on what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit – Small Group Study is for Pastors, and focuses on you and I being filled with the Holy Spirit. But what exactly is the baptism of the Holy Spirit that John the Baptist was talking about in Mark 1:4-5,7-8? Just as Jesus went into the waters of baptism that day with John, so too Jesus intends to “baptize” His disciples – including you and me – with the Holy Spirit.

Available to Pastors as a printable study guide with media, this package provides you with a solid base for preparing a message or sharing materials directly with your congregation.

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  1. VDM The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
  2. VDM Baptism Of The Holy Spirit Media (ZIP)


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