Receive The Blessing – Advent & Christmas Small Group Study

Receive The Blessing – Advent & Christmas Small Group Study is a study for groups wanting to learn to experience Christ’s love at Christmas.

Receive The Blessing – Advent & Christmas Small Group Study is a study for groups wanting to learn to experience Christ’s love at Christmas.

Wherever you live in the world, Christmas is in the air – in some form – at this time of year. It is a season of the heart, and the central theme of the messages we hear on the radio, on the television, and in churches, orbits around the mystical topic of “love.” Love is an elusive term that can mean many different things to many different people. But it remains true that experiencing love, being warmed by love, and sharing love is an idea that connects deeply with people at their emotional center. We may not know exactly what love is, but we often know it when we experience it.

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