Signs, Wonders, And The Holy Spirit – Church Study

Signs, Wonders, And The Holy Spirit – Church Study is for Pastors, and is a study on the miraculous.

Signs, Wonders, And The Holy Spirit – Church Study is for Pastor, and focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit in the miraculous. In societies around the world today, people are skeptical about the existence of miracles. However, when someone actually sees or experiences a miracle, it has a completely life-changing impact. What is it about what the Bible calls “signs and wonders” (Acts 4:30-31) that creates such dramatic responses in people?

Available to Pastors as a printable study guide with media, this package provides you with a solid base for preparing a message or sharing materials directly with your congregation.

Sign In or join a premium membership to access to this.

  1. VDM Signs Wonders and The Holy Spirit (PDF)
  2. VDM Signs Wonders Holy Spirit Media (ZIP)


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