Worship | Youth Curriculum


Youth – Worship Curriculum is a youth curriculum series created by Vineyard Youth USA and Vineyard Worship.

From Vineyard Youth USA: God is eager to be known and experienced by all. In response to God’s initiative, we value the life-changing power of the experience of His presence. The primary place where that relationship is nurtured and developed is in the act of worship—both private and corporate. Our teens are constantly pulled in numerous cultural directions that are vying for their attention. In the midst of the fast-paced visual marketplace these students are growing up in, we want them to experience God in a way that flows out of a life of worship and affects all aspects of their lives, so that all division between the secular and the sacred vanish. Our prayer is that they experience intimacy with the Father in a way that changes them forever.

This curriculum is a written curriculum designed to be taught by you! However, there are 5 supplemental videos that we have created to augment several of your lessons (Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6; Supplemental videos accessible via the linked lesson titles below, or by visiting vineyardyouthusa.com/resources). In each week there is are suggested songs to go along with the lesson as well. You can access the songs via our Spotify playlist and you can grab the chords from vineyardsongs.com and worshipteam.com.

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PDF download. Lessons in this curriculum (links below are to optional videos for certain sections):

  1. Youth – Worship Curriculum


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