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Risk Takers | Youth Curriculum

In the Vineyard we believe that faith is spelled R-I-S-K!

Whether it’s praying for healing, sharing our faith, or volunteering to feed the hungry, acting on our faith often requires a level of risk. Left to our own comfort zones, we tend to mostly take care of ourselves and avoid challenging situations. However, being a follower of Jesus requires us to be stretched and to put others first! In this series we will tackle several obstacles that stand in our way when God asks us to step out in faith.

  1. Risk Takers | Lessons
  2. Risk Takers | Introduction (Video)
  3. Risk Takers | Week 1 - More Than Meets the Eye (Video)
  4. Risk Takers | Week 2 - Escaping the Comfort Zone (Video)
  5. Risk Takers | Week 3 - The Weight of Regret (Video)
  6. Risk Takers | Week 4 - One Small Step (Video)


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