The Vineyard Discipleship Series, Vol. 1


In Vol. 1., Phil and Jan Strout offer 11 videos that are perfect for Sermon Starters, Staff Meetings, Small Groups, or for watching as a Short Course!

Download the high quality videos (1080p MP4 files). Simply log in, and download!

Video Sessions

  1. Wisdom, Courage, & Kindness (11:50)
  2. Soul Care & Sabbath Rest (8:52)
  3. Ordinary People, Extraordinary God (9:03)
  4. Navigating The Missional Waters Of This Generation (15:09)
  5. Slow Kingdom Coming (13:17)
  6. Drink The Cup (11:58)
  7. Kingdom Heroism (4:15)
  8. Footprints & Freedom (11:10)
  9. Bigger Adventure (1:00)
  10. The Message & The Methodology (1:29)
  11. Microwave Culture & The Crockpot Kingdom (1:06)

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  1. Vineyard Discipleship Series Vol 1 Trailer (MP4)
  2. Wisdom, Courage, & Kindness (MP4)
  3. Soul Care & Sabbath Rest (MP4)
  4. Ordinary People, Extraordinary God - Jan Strout (MP4)
  5. Navigating The Missional Waters Of This Generation (MP4)
  6. Slow Kingdom Coming (MP4)
  7. Drink The Cup (MP4)
  8. Kingdom Heroism (MP4)
  9. Footprints & Freedom (MP4)
  10. Bigger Adventure (MP4)
  11. The Message & The Methodology (MP4)
  12. Microwave Culture & The Crockpot Kingdom (MP4)


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