The Holy Spirit Changing The World – Church Study

The Holy Spirit Changing The World – Church Study is for Pastors, and is a study on joining the Holy Spirit in God’s restoring work.

The Holy Spirit Changing The World – Church Study is for Pastors, and focuses on the joining the Holy Spirit in the work the Father is doing. Who is in charge of the world? And who is the true leader of the Church? The Lord of History and the Lord of the Church are the same Person – Jesus. And the Lord of all human beings wants us to join Him in His saving, restoring, and healing work – work that can only be done in the power of the Spirit.

Available to Pastors as a printable study guide with media, this package provides you with a solid base for preparing a message or sharing materials directly with your congregation.

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  1. VDM The Holy Spirit Changing The World (PDF)
  2. VDM Holy Spirit Changing World Media (ZIP)


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