Thanksgiving – The Power Of Gratefulness Sermon Resources

Thanksgiving – The Power Of Gratefulness is a sermon outline that focuses on how giving thanks changes us forever.

Thanksgiving – The Power Of Gratefulness is a sermon outline, with slides, for Pastors.

Think of the last thing for which you were truly thankful. Maybe an unexpected gift came your way, a promise was fulfilled, or a relationship was healed. How did you feel in that moment? Exuberant? Delighted? Quietly appreciative? Did you pause and give thanks to God, specifically, for that experience? We often think that gratefulness is a spontaneous feeling that comes with a good gift, as if gratefulness must be triggered by an outside force. But what if gratefulness, and its power to change us, comes from within?

Available to Pastors as a printable sermon outline with optional slides.

  1. VDM The Power Of Gratefulness – Sermon Outline (PDF)
  2. VDM The Power Of Gratefulness Slides (ZIP, JPG)


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