Social Media Graphics | National Day Of Prayer


Social Media Graphics | National Day Of Prayer is a graphics package promoting the National Day Of Prayer for various social media platforms.

These assets can be used as posts for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more.

PERFECT PRAYER BOOKLET STUDIES for your church for this day!


This resource is a graphics package download that includes each of the following:

  • National Day Of Prayer Standard Slide (PNG)
  • National Day Of Prayer Wide Slide (PNG)
  • National Day Of Prayer Facebook Cover Image (PNG)
  • National Day Of Prayer Twitter Header Image (PNG)
  • National Day Of Prayer Social Media Post (suitable across most social media platforms) (PNG)
  1. National Day Of Prayer | Standard Slide (PNG)
  2. National Day Of Prayer | Wide Slide (PNG)
  3. National Day Of Prayer | Facebook Cover (PNG)
  4. National Day Of Prayer | Twitter Header (PNG)
  5. National Day Of Prayer | Social Media Post (PNG)


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