Humble King – Advent & Christmas Individual & Family Study

Humble King – Advent & Christmas Individual & Family Study is for those wanting to learn about the upside-down Kingdom at Christmas.

Humble King – Advent & Christmas Individual & Family Study is for those wanting to learn about the humility that is central to the Christmas Story.

Why did the God of the Heavens and the Earth decide it would be best to present Himself to humanity as humble? The word humility comes from the root word, “humus,” or earth. It literally speaks of being “on the ground,” or even “of the ground.” Words like lowly, modest, small, meek all enhance the meaning of the word. God could have led – like the types of leaders who really get ahead on social, online, or business platforms of our time – with power and largeness of presence. But instead, He led with humility.

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  1. VDM Humble King Christmas Devotional Study (PDF)


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