Hard Conversations: Reflecting Jesus While Facing The Issues


HARD CONVERSATIONS is a study exploring how we can reflect Jesus to one another even as we face the hard issues of our time. Whether we’re interacting on Facebook, or one on one with a friend we disagree with, how can we have hard conversations in love? This pastoral, 20 page booklet is perfect for a Sermon Series and Small Group Study!

This downloadable resource comes with a DIGITAL LICENSE, enabling you to distribute the PDF, ePub, and MOBI files to your entire congregation or small group (by church email only; not by public website, according to our terms of use).

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  • Introduction
  • Affirmation 1: God has all truth, but we don’t have perfect access to it.
  • Affirmation 2: Love is as important than being right.
  • Affirmation 3: The Spirit can create unity where it once seemed impossible.
  • Affirmation 4: We can find our identity in Christ, not in our belief systems.
  • Affirmation 5: We choose to accept that we live in the already and not yet.
  • Conclusion


  • A turn key Sermon Series
  • A Study for discipleship and evangelism


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  1. Hard Conversations Booklet (PDF)
  2. Hard Conversations Sermon Outlines (PDF)
  3. Hard Conversations Small Group Study (PDF)
  4. Hard Conversations Slide - Standard Title (JPG)
  5. Hard Conversations Slide - Standard Interior (JPG)
  6. Hard Conversations Slide - Wide Title (JPG)
  7. Hard Conversations Slide - Wide Interior (JPG)
  8. Hard Conversations Postcard (PDF)
  9. Hard Conversations Social Media Graphics (ZIP)
  10. Hard Conversations Social Media Headers (ZIP)


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