Back To Church Sunday Pastor Resources


BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY PASTOR RESOURCES provides Sermon Outlines, Graphics, and more for a successful Back To Church Sunday church growth effort.

Sermon Series: Everyone Gets To Play
Congregational Giveaway: Everyone Gets To Play congregation booklet – (purchase in bulk at Vineyard Resources)

NOTE: This is a VDM Members resource (we are offering this special resource free for a limited time to non-members to see the benefits of VDM membership.)

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By Vineyard Digital Membership

Many churches aim their efforts, every September, at a special Sunday called “Back To Church Sunday.” Kids are back in school, university programs are starting up, and the vacation patterns that have taken such a toll on your summer offerings are quieting down.

Then, once Labor Day passes, everyone miraculously starts showing up at church once again! Not only does this reality settle in, but many individuals and families use this time to try out new churches, visit churches they’ve been curious about, and connect with ministries that capture their heart and attention.

Here are some great benefits of your church using Back To Church Sunday to reach your community in a special and timely way:

1. New growth.

With careful attention, good social promotion, and well-thought-through service experiences, your church can both attract and minister to the visitors and occasional church attenders coming through your door.

Like a good host, plan to meet them with a warm greeting, and opportunities to find their hope in Christ for their family life as they enter into September.

2. Strong engagement from fringe attendees.

Your fringe attendees will probably start arriving back at your church around this time as well. They are often doing this out of obligation, but that sense of need to be with others is a good thing – and we can assume it’s from the Lord.

Create a welcoming space for these folks as well, and by the way you plan the service, you can make them wonder why they ever became fringe attendees in the first place!

3. A purposeful push before the holiday season.

The holidays are another time that church growth efforts can be very fruitful. A sustained push through September and October can create excellent momentum for these new (consistent) church attendees to invite their extended family, neighbors, co-workers, and friends to your holiday services.

A solid and compelling Sermon Series through September, and October, can create an excellent reason for people to want to “come back so they don’t miss something” along the Fall journey.

4. A chance to engage the whole church – not just the kids going back to school.

One of the best things about Back To Church Sunday is that the whole church can get involved getting the word out about the new Sermon Series, and the ministry life your church has planned for the Fall/Winter.

Get postcards in their hands, social media graphics, and more, to help them help you get the word out.

With some long-term planning, a team effort, and resources like those available here, you can make the most out of Back To Church Sunday with your congregation.


Everyone Gets To Play is the Back To Church Sunday theme for September, 2018. Booklets with corresponding t-shirts and bracelets can be purchased here at



  • Back To Church Campaign Planning Guide
  • Back To Church Promotional Social Graphic (suitable across social platforms)
  • Back To Church Promotional Slide
  • Everyone Gets To Play Sermon Outlines for a 4-Week Series
  • Everyone Gets To Play Slides (Standard, Wide)
  • Everyone Gets To Play Social Quote Graphics (suitable across social platforms)
  • Everyone Gets To Play Invitation Postcard (Customizable)
  • Everyone Gets To Play Poster


  • A turn-key Back To Church Sunday Sermon Series solution
  • A great connecting point with neighbors and friends
  • A perfect supplement to your Fall ministry launches!

NOTE: This is a VDM Members resource (we are offering this special resource free for a limited time to non-members to see the benefits of VDM membership. Sign up today!)

Sign In or join a premium membership to access to this.

  1. Back To Church Campaign Planning Guide (PDF)
  2. Back To Church Promotional Social Graphic
  3. Back To Church Promotional Slide | Standard (2048x1536)
  4. Back To Church Promotional Slide | Wide (3840x2160)
  5. Everyone Gets To Play Sermon Outlines (PDF)
  6. Everyone Gets To Play Social Media Graphic 1
  7. Everyone Gets To Play Social Media Graphic 2
  8. Everyone Gets To Play Social Media Graphic 3
  9. Everyone Gets To Play Social Media Graphic 3
  10. Everyone Gets To Play Slide | Standard (2048x1536)
  11. Everyone Gets To Play Slide | Standard Interior (2048x1536)
  12. Everyone Gets To Play Slide | Wide Interior (1920x1080)
  13. Everyone Gets To Play Slide | Wide (1920x1080)
  14. Everyone Gets To Play Poster (24x36)
  15. Everyone Gets To Play Postcard (Front)
  16. Everyone Gets To Play Postcard (Back)


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