ADVENT PLANNER – The Gift Of Risk | The Radical Yes Of Christmas

Advent and Christmas are ahead, and the Story continues.

In times like these, seasons like Advent – a time to wait for Jesus, and Christmas – a time to celebrate Jesus, are as important as ever!

This year’s Advent and Christmas Series follows in our “Year of Risk” theme, and opens us to the powerful decisions people made in Christmas story to be a part of God’s highest plan.

The Sermon Series is called:

THE GIFT OF RISK | The Radical Yes Of Christmas

Week 1: The Gift Of Risk | The Radical Yes Of Christmas

Week 2: Facing Your Fear | The Risk Of Mary

Week 3: Trusting Your God | The Risk Of Joseph

Week 4: Letting Love Lead You | The Risk Of Jesus

Christmas | Risking Everything At Christmas

We are hard at work on all the materials for a complete Advent experience.

You can download the Planner PDF below, which includes the leading Scripture and theme for each week, so you can begin to organize your Sundays this year.

> DOWNLOAD The Gift Of Risk – Advent and Christmas Planner!






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