Even Stranger Things | Youth Leadership Curriculum

A conversation with Phil Strout on about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
The Struggle is Real | Youth Leadership Curriculum

A conversation with Phil Strout on about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Living on Mission | Youth Leadership Curriculum

A conversation with Phil Strout on about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
John Wimber | The Cost of Commitment

Vineyard founder, John Wimber, shares the true cost of being a “Fool for Christ” as he illustrates from the parable of the Pearl of Great Price. By equipping the saints to minister, he emphasizes the importance of discipleship. John proceeds to chart out the course it takes to be a disciple-maker by literally spelling it […]
Come, Holy Spirit | Phil Strout

Excerpts from an epic gathering in July 2019 of thousands of people from across Vineyard churches in Dayton & Denver.
Soul Care – Video Study

Are there lessons we can learn from Jesus, from ancient Christians, and from the wider Body of Christ – that will help us nurture our spiritual lives over a lifetime? These concepts and ideas in spiritual formation, soul care, and personal discipleship are powerful and life-changing, helping us maintain a sustainable faith. Available to Individuals, […]
How is Your Soul – Leadership Video Study

How is your soul? It’s a question that will build a leader for the long haul. In these special sessions, Phil Strout reflects on a variety of spiritual formation ideas that are vital for every Christian leader to wrestle with across a lifetime. This material is a must-view by every pastor, staff member, or leader […]
Mature Discipleship – Video Study

Becoming a mature disciple of Jesus means the transformation of our character into that of Christ – over a lifetime. Phil and Jan Strout bring unique and helpful pastoral perspectives on various topics for the discipleship of Christians today. Available to Individuals, Ministry Volunteers, and Pastors as a video study.
John Wimber | Teach Us To Pray

During 1985, John Wimber taught nearly every Sunday on prayer. The material in this extremely practical, 7 video study came as a result of that experience. The message & classic Vineyard viewpoint one finds here came from God’s blessing and leading. As you watch and read this material, it will strengthen your convictions toward learning […]