How Is Our Soul? – A New Year Journal Experience

How Is Our Soul? is a very special New Year digital resource, designed to engage and empower a conversation in your locale related to how you are doing – as a community – coming out of this year and moving toward the next.
How Is Our Soul? – A New Year Journal Experience

How Is Our Soul? is a very special New Year digital resource, designed to engage and empower a conversation in your locale related to how you are doing – as a community – coming out of this year and moving toward the next.
I Am Changed – A 2021 Lent Resource

The Scriptures recount for us stories of real change in peoples’ lives – the kind of change that endures and changes generations to come. Lent is a season for remembering how change happens, and how the cross of Jesus is God’s invitation to lay down our selves to experience the goodness and presence of God.
Following Jesus – A 2021 Easter Resource

The Gospel of John contains many powerful stories of conversion, of miracles, and of transformation. A life, made in the image of God, yet broken beyond human repair, comes into contact with Jesus. Then, wow. In a moment of transformation, that then opens up to a lifetime of becoming like Christ, a heart is changed and is open to the Holy Spirit.